Illinois Microreactor RD&D Center

Illinois Microreactor Research, Development & Demonstration Center

Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Our Research

At the Illinois Microreactor RD&D (IMRD2) Center, directed by Professor Caleb Brooks under the Department of Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering at UIUC, we are developing the solutions and tools to bring nuclear microreactors to the nation's clean energy infrastructure. Expertise in reactor physics, nuclear security, and energy economics are being implemented to support the growth of sustainable nuclear generation for years to come.

Research & Development

See our current abstracts and proposals leading the way in nuclear microreactor research.

Projects Page


Learn about UIUC's collaboration to bring a modular microreactor to our campus.

Illinois Microreactor


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Contact Us

Want to reach out to the Center? Find our contact information here.

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Want to join the IMRD2 Center?

We are currently hiring for several positions to assist us in managing the Center's projects and operations. Visit the page linked below for more information on how to apply!

See Job Postings

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