Seyed A. Reihani
For More Information
- University of Maryland, College Park, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, 2005
Academic Positions
- June 2005- July 2007, Research Associate Faculty, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
- August 2007- September 2010, Postdoctoral Research Associate, MIT, Cambridge, MA
- January 2013- present, Senior Research Scientist, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
Major Consulting Activities
- Research Scientist, Soteria Consultants LLC, Boston, MA, November 2011- August 2013
- Project Engineer, RES Group Inc., Cambridge, MA, October 2010- October 2011
Research Interests
- Hydrogen Generation and Integrated Energy Systems
- Modeling and Analysis of Fuel Cell Systems
- Application of Catalytic Combustion in Power Generation Systems
- Risk-Informed Designs
- Incorporating Physical Phenomena into Risk Models
Research Areas
- Risk and Policy
Selected Articles in Journals
- S.A. Reihani, G.S. Jackson, Catalytic partial oxidation of n-butane over Rh catalysts for solid oxide fuel cell applications, Catalysis Today, Vol. 155, Is. 1-2, pp 75-83, (2010)
- A. Jain, S.A. Reihani, C. Fischer, G. Ceder, W. Green, Ab-initio screening of metal sorbents for elemental Hg capture in syngas streams, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 65, Is. 10, pp 3025-3033, (2010)
- S.A. Reihani, G.S. Jackson, Influence of thermal conditions on partial oxidation of n-Butane over supported Rh catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, Vol. 353, Is. 2, pp 181-192, (2009)
- S.A. Reihani, G.S. Jackson, Mechanism analysis with ILDM’s for H2 combustion on Pd catalysts, Combustion Theory and Modeling, Vol. 10, Is. 1, pp 1-20, (2006)
- S.A. Reihani, G.S. Jackson, Effectiveness in catalytic washcoat with multi-step mechanisms for catalytic combustion of hydrogen, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 59, Is. 24, pp. 5937-5948, (2004)
- J.F. Kramer, S.A. Reihani, G.S. Jackson, Low temperature combustion of hydrogen on supported Pd catalysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 29, Is. 1, pp 989-996, (2002)
- Z. Mohaghegh, S.A. Reihani, R. Kazemi, 4th Oversight Quarterly Report for STP Risk-Informed Approach to NRC Generic Safety Issue 191 (GSI-191), technical report prepared for South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), January 2013
- Z. Mohaghegh, S.A. Reihani, 3rd Oversight quarterly report for STP risk-informed approach to NRC generic safety issue 191(GSI-191), technical report prepared for South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), October 2012
- Z. Mohaghegh, S.A. Reihani, 2nd Oversight Quarterly Report for STP Risk-Informed Approach to NRC Generic Safety Issue 191(GSI-191)”, technical report prepared for South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), July 11, 2012
- E. Kee, Z. Mohaghegh, T. Sande, B. Letellier, S.A. Reihani, et al., Proposed Risk-Informed Resolution of GSI-191, Nuclear Regulatory Commission , ACRS Thermal-Hydraulics Subcommittee Meeting , May 2012
- Z. Mohaghegh, S.A. Reihani, 1st Oversight Quarterly Report for STP Risk-Informed Approach to NRC Generic Safety Issue 191 (GSI-191), technical report prepared for South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC), April 2012
Journal Editorships
- Reviewer for Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017
- Reviewer for Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010
Professional Societies
- Reviewer for the 37th International Symposium on Combustion, August, 2018
- Reviewer for the 36th International Symposium on Combustion, August, 2016
- Reviewer for ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, Colorado, November, 2011
- Reviewer for the 33rd International Symposium on Combustion, August, 2010
- Reviewer for ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, November, 2007
Recent Courses Taught
- NPRE 448 - Nuclear Syst Engrg & Design
- NPRE 475 - Wind Power Systems