Charles P Marsh

Charles P Marsh
Charles P Marsh
Adjunct Professor


  • Ph.D. Materials Science University of Illinois 1989
  • M.S. Physics University of Illinois 1982
  • B.S. Engineering Physics University of Illinois 1979

Academic Positions

  • Adjunct Professor - Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, January, 2007 - present
  • Post-Doctorate Research Associate - Department of Metallurgy/Materials Science, University of Illinois, January - July 1990
  • Research Assistant - Departments of Physics and Materials Sciences, University of Illinois, July 1982 - December 1989
  • Principle Investigator - Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, 1990 - present

Professional Registrations

  • Certified Energy Manager (Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program), nationwide, 1997

Research Interests

  • Induced vortical flow for enhanced heat transfer
  • Bacteria based biodeposition for self-healing concrete
  • Fullerene based material synthesis and incorporation into composites
  • Pumped thermal flow and transfer using Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (MPCM) and nanofluids
  • Quantum dot based self-sensing materials
  • Corrosive degration, assessment and mitigation
  • Materials research across multiple scales

Chapters in Books

  • Allen, J.B., Cornwell, C.F., Lee., N.J., Marsh, C.P., Peters, J.F., and Welch, C.R. "Modeling Heat Transfer Dkuring Sublimation Growth of Silicon Carbode Single Crystals by Physical Vapor Transport,", in Advances in Ceramic Armor VII: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 32 (ed.s J.J. Swab, S. Widjaja, and D. Singh), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA (2011). (doi: 10.1002/9781118095256.ch9).
  • David A. Kessler, Charles P. Marsh, and Sean Morefield, “Electrokinetic Removal of Energetic Compounds”, in Electrochemical Remediation Technologies for Polluted Soils, Sediments and Groundwater (Editors: Krishna R. Reddy, Claudio Cameselle), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2009)

Selected Articles in Journals

  • Chun-Wei, Y., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., Jones, B., Collins, M., "Wetting behavior on hybrid surfaces with hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties," Applied Surface Science, 290, pp. 59-65 (2014).
  • Al-Char, G., Hoang, T., Dowds, D., Ford, K., Carlson, T., Marsh, C., "Temperature Dependence of the Emission Spectrum of Silicon Nano-Particles in Acetone and Isorpopanol Solvents," J. Cluster Science, 25, pp. 559-570 (2014).
  • Stynoski, P., Mondal, P., Wotring, E., Marsh, C., "Characterization of silica-functionalized carbon nanotubes dispersed in water," J. Nanoparticle Research, 15:1396 (2013).
  • Kondle, S., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., "Laminar Flow Forced Convection Heat Transfer Behavior of a Phase Change Material Fluid in Microchannels," J. Heat Transfer, 135:052801, pp. 1-11 (2013).
  • Ford, K., Collins, M., Ajami, N., Dowds, D., Mesyef, K., Trovillion, J., Al-Chaar, G., Marsh, C., "Optical response to low applied pressure in a quantum dot nanocomposite," Materials Letters, 106, pp. 301-303 (2013).
  • Bhimani, S., Alvarado, J., Annamalai, K., Marsh, C., "Emission characteristics of methanol-in-canola oil emulsions in a combustion chamber," Fule, 113, pp. 97-109 (2013).
  • Yao, C.-W., Garvin, T., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., David, G., "Fluid Dynamics of Condensed Droplets on Microscale Hybrid Surfaces," J. Heat Transfer, 135:080905-1 (2013).
  • Sellers, M., Castle, B., Marsh, C., "Three-dimensional manganese dioxide-functionalized carbon nanotube electrodes for electrochemical capacitors," J. Solid State Electrochemistry, 117, pp. 175-182 (2013).
  • Stynoski, P., Mondal, P., Wotring, E., Marsh, C., "Characterization of silica functionalized carbon nanotubes dispersed in water," J. Nanoparticle Research, 15:1396 (2013).
  • Mantey, K., Zhu, A., Boparai, J. Nayfeh, M., Marsh, C., Al-Chaar, G., "Observation of linear solid-solid phase transformation in silicon nanoparticles," Physical Review B., 85(8):085417 (2012).
  • Sellers, M., Zussblatt, N., Marsh, C., "Potassium perruthenate-treated carbon nanotube sheets for flexible supercapacitors," Electrochemistry Communications, 18, pp. 58-61 (2012).
  • Yao, C.-W., Garvin, T., Alvarado, J., Jacobi, A., Jones, B., Marsh, C., "Droplet contact angle behavior on a hybrid surface with hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties," Applied Physics Letters, 101:111605 (2012).
  • Marsh, C., Stynoski, P., Carlson, T., Arnett, C., Newcomb, B., Strano, M., Welch, R., "Experimental demonstration of meso-scale nanotube self-assembled tube structures," Carbon, 49(4), pp. 1235-1242 (2011).
  • Tumuluri, K., Alvarado, J., Taherian, H., Marsh, C., "Thermal performance of a novel heat transfer fluid containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes and microencapsulated phase change materials," Intl. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 54(25-26), pp. 5554-5567 (2011).
  • Marsh, C., and Bushman, J., "Experimental Determination of Galvanic Anode Current Output for Common Geometries Used in Civil Works Applications," J. Testing and Evaluation, 38(5), (2010).
  • Arnett, C., Marsh, C., Welch, C., Strano, M., Han, J.-H., Gray, J., Carlson, T., "Enzyme-Mediated Assimilation of DNA-Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes," Langmuir, 26(2), pp. 613-617 (2010).
  • Garg, P., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., Carlson, T., Kessler, D., Annamalai, K., "An experimental study on the effect of ultrasonication on viscosity and heat transfer performance of multi-wall carbon nanotube-based aqueous nanofluids," Intl. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52, pp. 5090-5101 (2009).
  • Ravi, G., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., Kessler, D., "Laminar Flow Forced Convection Heat Transfer Behavior of a Phase Change Material Fluid in Finned Tubes," Numerical Heat Transfer - Part A, 55, pp. 721-738, (2009).
  • Houlahan, T., Marsh, C., Park, S.-J., Master, B., Eden, G., "Microcavity-enhanced electron emission from lead zirconate-titanate cathodes," Electronics Letters, 45(15), (2009).
  • Alvarado, J.L., Marsh, C., Sohn, C., Phetteplace, G., Newell, Ty, "Thermal Performance of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material Slurry in Turbulent Flow and Under Constant Heat Flux," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 50, pp. 1938-1952, (2007).
  • Haskins, R.W., Maier, R.S., Ebeling, R.M., Marsh, C.P., Majure, D.L., Bednar, A.J., Welch, C.R., Barker, B., Wu, D., "A Tight-Binding Molecular Dynamics Study of the Role of Defects on Carbon Nanotube Modul and Failure" Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 074708 (2007).
  • Alvarado, J.L., Marsh, C., Sohn, C., Vilceus, M., Hock, V., Phetteplace, G., Newell, T., "Characterization of Supercooling Suppression of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material by Using DSC" Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 86(2), 505-509, 6 October 2006.
  • Morefield, S., Hock, V., McInerney, M., Marshall, O., Marsh, C., Cooper, S., Malone, P., Weiss, C., "Control of Water Migration Through Concrete Using Electro-Osmosis," Materials Performance, 44(7), pp. 42-47, (2005).

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • Chun-Wei, Y., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., Jones, B., Collins, M., "Flow Condensation Heat Transfer on Engineered Surfaces," Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, IHTC-15, Kyoto, Japan (10-15 August 2014).
  • Chun-Wei, Y., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C.,“Condensation Heat Transfer on Microscale Hybrid Surfaces,” Proceedings of ASME 2013 Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN (14-19 July 2013).
  • Chun-Wei, Y., Garvin, T.P., Alvarado, J.L., Jacobi, A.M., Marsh, C.P., Jones, B.G., "Enhanced Condensation Using Hybrid Surfaces," ECI 8th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland (3-7 June 2012).
  • Chun-Wei, Y., Garvin, T., Alvarado, J., Marsh, C., David, G., “Fluid Dynamics of Condensed Droplets on Microscale Hybrid Surfaces,” Proceedings of ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Houston, TX (9-15 Nov 2012).
  • Lux, S., Foster, J., Sellers, M., Friedl, A., Feickert, C., Hesterberg, J., Marsh, C., “Generative Textiles for Non-Rotary Power Production From Wind,” Proceedings of ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 10th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (San Diego, CA, 23-26 July 2012).
  • Stynoski, P., Mondal, P., Marsh, C., “Novel Processes to Improve CNT Utility in Cement,” Proceedings of NICOM 4: 4th International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (20-22 May 2012, Crete, Greece).
  • Lux, S., Rivera-Sustache, M., Bushman, J., Marsh, C., “Dilute Flowable Backfill for Corrosion Mitigation of Buried Steel Pipe: Experimental Procedure,” Proceedings of CORROSION 2012 (11-15 Mar 2012, Salt Lake City, UT).
  • Sellers, M., Zussblatt, N., Friedl, A., Marsh, C., “Design of Flexible Supercapacitors Using Metal Oxide-Decorated Carbon Nanotube Sheet,” Proceedings of 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA (28 Nov – 2 Dec 2011)
  • Marsh, C., and Kessler, D., "Development of a Subsurface Acoustic Imaging Device and Potential Electromagnetic-Based Sensor Additions," Proceedings of EUDEM2-SCOT 2003: International Conference on Requirements and Technologies for the Detection, Removal and Neutralization of Landmines and UXO, Brussels, Belgium (15-18 Sep 2003).
  • Morefield, S., Hock, V., McInerney, M., Marshall, O., Marsh, C., Cooper, S., "Control of Water Migration Through Concrete Using Electro-Osmosis," Proceedings of CORROSION 2003, San Diego, CA (16-20 March 2003).

Professional Societies

  • ASTM, 1997 - present
  • NACE International, 1998 - present
  • ASM International, 1994 - present

Teaching Honors

  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (2005)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (2003)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (2001)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (2000)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (1999)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (1998)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (1997)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (1996)
  • Certificate of Appreciation/Distinguished Service Award for the PROSPECT Corrosion Control Course #009, Gary F. Andrew, Chief, USACE Professional Development Support Center (1995)

Research Honors

  • Engineering Research and Development Center R&D Achievement Award (2013)
  • Engineering Research and Development Center Researcher of the Year (2012)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Researcher of the Year (2012)
  • Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Technology Advancement Medal (2012)
  • Engineer Research and Development Center R&D Achievement Award (2012)
  • Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Award for Excellence in Technology Transfer (2012)
  • Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Researcher of the Year (2011)
  • U.S. Department of Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (2011)
  • Engineering Research and Development Center Award for Outstanding Team Effort (2009)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commander's Award for Civilian Service (2009)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Commander's Award for Civilian Service (2008)
  • U.S. Department of Army R&D Achievement Award (2005)
  • Engineer Research Development Center R&D Achievement Award (2005)
  • L.R. Shaffer R&D Achievement Award (2004)
  • U.S. Department of Army Achievement Medal for Civilian Service (2004)
  • U.S. Department of Army R&D Achievement Award (2003)
  • Construction Innovation Forum - NOVA Award (2002)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Award for Outstanding Team Effort (2002)
  • Engineer Research and Development Center Award for Outstanding Team Effort (2002)
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Project Delivery Team of the Year (1999)
  • James D. Prendergast Award of Excellence (1999)
  • Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Research Product Development Team Award (1999)
  • U.S. Department of Army R&D Achievement Award (1998)
  • SBIR Technical Representative for Tibbets Award (1998)

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