Clair Julia Sullivan

Clair Julia Sullivan
Clair Julia Sullivan
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor
(217) 300-0197

For More Information


  • PhD, Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, 2002
  • MS, Nuclear Engineering, University of Michigan, 1998
  • BS, Physics, University of Michigan, 1997
  • BS, Astronomy, University of Michigan, 1997

Academic Positions

  • Faculty Affiliate, University of Illinois, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, 2016 - present
  • Faculty Affiliate, University of Illinois, Department of Informatics, 2015 - present
  • Faculty Affiliate, University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, 2014 - present
  • Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, 2012 - present

Research Interests

  • Radiation detection and measurements; data science; gamma-ray spectroscopy; automated isotope identification algorithms; nuclear forensics; nuclear security; nuclear nonproliferation; sensor networks; big data; new materials for radiation detection

Research Areas

  • Big data analytics for radiation sensor networks
  • Health Physics
  • Next generation thermal neutron detectors
  • Novel isotope identification algorithms

Books Authored or Co-Authored (Original Editions)

  • W.H. Casson, C.J. Sullivan, J.M Blackadar, R.P. Paternoster, J.L. Matzke, M. Rawool-Sullivan, Nuclear Reachback Reference Manual, Department of Homeland Security, LA-UR-06-0504, 2006.

Chapters in Books

Selected Articles in Journals

  • M.H. Jeong, Y. Cai, C.J. Sullivan, S. Wang, "Data depth based clustering analysis," Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, (29) 1-10, 2016. (doi: 10.1145/2996913.2996984)
  • M. Kamuda, J. Stinnett, and C.J. Sullivan, "Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm Using Artificial Neural Networks," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, accepted for publication, DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2017.2693152.
  • J. Stinnett, M.M. Watson, C.J. Sullivan, H. Xiong, "Feature Extraction and Isotope Identification on NaI Gamma-Ray Spectra," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, accepted for publication, in revision.
  • C.J. Sullivan and J. Stinnett, "Validation of a Bayesian-based isotope identification algorithm," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 784 (2014) 298-305.
  • C.J. Sullivan, S.E. Garner, K.B. Blagoev, D.L. Weiss, “Generation of customized wavelets for the analysis of gamma-ray spectra,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 579 (2007) 275-278.
  • Y. Feng, J.E. Baciak, C. Sullivan, G. Gardner, “A pixilated design of high pressure xenon gamma-ray spectrometer,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 579 (2007) 54-57.
  • C.J. Sullivan, M.E. Martinez, S.E. Garner, “Wavelet analysis of sodium iodide spectra,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 53 (5) (2006) 2916-2922.
  • C.J. Sullivan, Z. He, G.F. Knoll, G. Tepper, D.K. Wehe, “A high pressure xenon gamma-ray spectrometer using a coplanar anode configuration,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 505 (2003) 238-241.

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • M.-H. Jeong, S. Wang, and C. J. Sullivan. Density maps based on data. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on CyberGIS and Geospatial Data Science, 2016.
  • J. Stinnett, C.J. Sullivan "Automated Isotope Identification with Bayesian Classifiers," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2015).
  • Y. Liu, C.J. Sullivan, F. d'Errico, "Superheated Droplets Detector for Thermal Neutron Detection," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2015).
  • M-H Jeong, C.J. Sullivan, S. Wang, "Complex radiation sensor network analysis with big data analytics," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2015).
  • S.A. Pozzi, S.D. Clarke, D.K. Wehe, Z. He, K. Kearfott, J.C. Lee, A. Hero, M. Flaska, A. DiFulvio, R. Lanza, S. Kemp, J. Fischer, A. Danagoulian, A. Glaser, F. von Hippel, P. Richards, J.K. Mattingly, M. Garces, I. Jovanovic, L. Carin, P. Wilson, J. Baciak, A. Enqvist, A. Farsoni, F. d'Errico, C.J. Sullivan, "Consortium for Verification Technology Research Activities," Proceedings of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management, (2015).
  • J.B. Stinnett, C.J. Sullivan, "Automated Isotope Identification of Single-Source and Mixed-Sources," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2014).
  • C.J. Sullivan, "Nuclear Forensics Driven by Geographic Information Systems and Big Data Analytics," Conference Proceedings of the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management on Information Analysis Technologies, Techniques and Methods for Safeguards, Nonproliferation and Arms Control Verification Workshop, (2014) 273-286.
  • C.J. Sullivan, J. Lu, "Automated Photopeak Detection and Analysis in Low Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectra for Isotope Identification," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2013).
  • J. Stinnett, C.J. Sullivan, "An Automated Isotope Identification Algorithm Using Bayesian Statistics," IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, (2013).
  • K. Weichman, K. Schoemaker, B. Russell, J. Rehal, C.J. Sullivan, "SEE RADS platform: social, every day, and emergency radiation detection system," American Nuclear Society Student Conference Record, (2013)
  • C.J. Sullivan, S.E. Garner, M. Lombardi, K.B. Butterfield, “Evaluation of key detector parameters for isotope identification,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2 (2007) 1181-1184.
  • C.J. Sullivan, M.E. Martinez, S.E. Garner, “Wavelet analysis of sodium iodide spectra,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1 (2005) 302-306.
  • C.J. Sullivan, S.E. Garner, K.B. Butterfield, “Wavelet analysis of gamma-ray spectra,” IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 1 (2004) 281-286.
  • J.M. Blackadar, C.J. Sullivan, B.G. Rees, S. Garner, D.J. Mercer, “Continuing evaluation of isotopic identifiers,” Proceedings of the 45th Annual INMM Meeting, (2004) LA-UR-03-2742.
  • J.M. Blackadar, J.A. Bounds, P.A. Hypes, D.J. Mercer, C.J. Sullivan, “Evaluation of handheld isotope identifiers,” Proceedings of the INMM Southwest Section Meeting, (2003) LA-UR-03-2742.

Journal Editorships

  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Sciences: 2012-2015

Professional Societies

  • Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2000 - present


  • Mary Jane Oestmann Professional Women's Achievement Award (2015)
  • DARPA Young Faculty Award (2014)

Teaching Honors

  • Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2015)
  • Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising (2015)
  • Collins Fellow (2013)
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2013)

Improvement Activities

  • Scholar, The Data Incubator, Washington, DC, 2015

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