NPRE graduate student Abhishek Jaiswal shared in the Best Group Presentation Award during the Summer School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering.
The school was held in June at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and was sponsored by the NIST Center for Neutron Research and the National Science Foundation.
About 35 students attended the training, devoted to methods and applications of neutron spectroscopy with a session on small angle neutron scattering. The students were divided into seven groups and performed three experiments with various neutron scattering instruments. Jaiswal’s group presented on an instrument named Triple Axis Spectometer or BT-7. The groups were judged based on the information they learned and the results of their experiments.
The course was targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron inelastic scattering methods. The combination of introductory lectures and training in scattering techniques will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering methods and their application to current research topics.
The course included both lectures and hands-on training. Invited speakers gave presentations on the application of neutron scattering in their current research activities.
NPRE Assistant Prof. Yang Zhang advises Jaiswal, who works with metallic glass in his research.