
NPRE 412 - Nuclear Power Econ & Fuel Mgmt

Spring 2025

Nuclear Power Econ & Fuel MgmtNPRE412A70363LCD30930 - 1050 T R  3018 Campus Instructional Facility Katy Huff
Nuclear Power Econ & Fuel MgmtNPRE412D470365LCD40930 - 1050 T R  3018 Campus Instructional Facility Katy Huff

Official Description

Quantitative analysis of the impact of the nuclear power industry; nuclear fuel cycle and capital costs for thermal and fast reactors; optimization of the use of nuclear fuels to provide the lowest energy costs and highest system performance; comparison between fossil fuel systems, fission systems, and controlled thermonuclear fusion systems. Course Information: 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: NPRE 402 or NPRE 247. Junior standing is required.