
NPRE 201 - Energy Systems

Fall 2019

Energy SystemsGLBL201I272555LCD21600 - 1750 MTWR  36 English Building James F Stubbins
Energy SystemsGLBL201Q41080LCD21200 - 1250 M W  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic
Energy SystemsGLBL201Q249710PKG31200 - 1250 F  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic
Energy SystemsGLBL201Q249710PKG31200 - 1250 M W  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic
Energy SystemsNPRE201I272552LCD21600 - 1750 MTWR  36 English Building James F Stubbins
Energy SystemsNPRE201Q30493LCD21200 - 1250 M W  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic
Energy SystemsNPRE201Q249708PKG31200 - 1250 M W  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic
Energy SystemsNPRE201Q249708PKG31200 - 1250 F  103 Talbot Laboratory Daniel Andruczyk
David N Ruzic

Official Description

Patterns of energy production and utilization and technical aspects of renewable energy resources, advanced fossil fuel systems, and advanced nuclear systems. Course Information: Same as GLBL 201. Prerequisite: MATH 220 or MATH 221; one of PHYS 101, PHYS 211, CHEM 104, CHEM 204, ME 200.